Diamond Sponsor: ELEKS - striving for excellence


ELEKS - striving for excellence

From morning alarm clocks on our mobiles to evening movie sessions on our PCs – this is how far technology has spread into our lives. Tons of gadgets, apps and other software have become our trivia. Not only we use them - we make them. In this vast and rapidly changing industry of IT, how can you find a company that differs? Someone that stands out, a company that sets the pace and is an industry leader. ELEKS Software, headquartered in Lviv, Ukraine, is that kind of the company. Years of experience, impressive projects ranging from healthcare to motion picture production and with almost a thousand employees witness better than any words. ELEKS really has something more to offer. Both top managers and programmers testify that this success has been built on several basic principles:

People, who use technology, people who create it

Computers, tablets, mobile devices and tons of other gadgets - all these years we’ve so gotten used to the fact that popular applications and programs have no face; we’ve forgotten that they were created by normal people, with their own strong and weak points, habits and hobbies. Do not hide the human face behind the technology – is the first rule ELEKS obeys. Furthermore, company reps believe that it is their people who make all the difference and provide excellent results.

At the same time, ELEKS pays special attention not only to their employees, but their clients as well. The technology has to work for the ones it’s being created for: be it NASA astronauts or insurance officers.

Big company – vast possibilities

Although the exact numbers are not certain, it is safe to speculate that there are thousands of companies in Ukraine today that create technology on the outsource principle. Big and small, proficient in one or multiple fields – there are loads of them, but only few can be recognized as true professionals. ELEKS has more than 20 years of experience, dozens of successfully released projects and about a thousand employees all over Ukraine.

Let’s admit: one day you might wake up thinking you want to change something about your work. At ELEKS this doesn’t mean changing your workplace, you can easily pursue your ambitions here with “a little help of your friends” (that’s from The Beatles). Company provides a number of courses to enhance your qualifications, language training, various master-classes for staff, not to mention the constant knowledge exchange between peers and coworkers.

Innovations or what is trendsetting at IT

One more crucial aspect in IT business is time. Not only do you have to follow the news, you have to foresee change, being Nostradamus and Galileo in one person. One of the busiest departments at ELEKS is the R&D division, where specialists learn what’s hot today and try to imagine what could be trendy in the next season. Just like fashion, only in technology.

Higher, faster, stronger!

Today any work can be easily compared to sports. That is why, inspired by the Olympic motto, ELEKS encourages their employees to be proactive. Every programmer, Q&A or project manager knows that his/her effort is one more brick into company’s reputation and good market position. Being effective is already a motivation. #### Meeting standards in not enough, there is a strong need for creating new ones HR-masters have learned a while ago that salary stopped being the strongest motivation for an employee. An environment filled with professionals, good working conditions and being proud of your job have become factors of new importance, especially in today’s workforce. Being successful in Ukraine today means fighting the obstacles rather than enjoying the benefits. ELEKS itself shows an example of the outstanding company built according to the civilized standards here, in Ukraine. Despite all, they can engage the brightest specialists, high-quality resources, meet deadlines and bring up the best solutions. So aren’t all those things one can be proud of? Inspired by technology, driven by value, people at ELEKS still manage to stay patriotic. “Rewarding company performance is not just about our personal profit. We are proud to create the new face of our region and Ukraine as well”, - they say. Break the stereotypes and instead create new innovative work schemes - that's what people do at ELEKS. Especially, if they’re based on basics principles: being respectful to people and laws, being responsible to yourself and your peers, and finally, to always have a desire to work on and improve yourself, your country and your environment.

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